

  • X-PAD X-PERT subscription

    X-PERT 3 years Renewal

    GeoMax X-PERT subscription guarantees you never miss an update for your X-PAD Ultimate software.   What you get: software maintenance (bug fixing) latest software releases and upgrades (like X-Tilt and traverse adjustment) workflows...
    €936.69 (Inc. VAT)
    €761.54 (Ex. VAT)
  • GeoMax X-PERT subscription

    X-PERT 1 year Renewal

    GeoMax X-PERT subscription guarantees you never miss an update for your X-PAD Ultimate software. What you get: software maintenance (bug fixing) latest software releases and upgrades (like X-Tilt and traverse adjustment) workflows customized to...
    €369.00 (Inc. VAT)
    €300.00 (Ex. VAT)